31 Dec 2013

New Year Resolution for the Year 2014!

In about an hour plus time, it would be 2014 already! Omg so fast another brand New Year..

I want to thank my family members and all my friends who have been part of my life!.........(and so on)

Had experienced a full year in At-Sunrice Academy attaining pastry and bakery knowledge and skills, going
through a whole year of apprenticeship at SATS too. Basically my life is just school, work and going out with
friends for catching up sessions, eating yummy food and also made new friends from SATS as well as from 2
of the Omy blogclub events.

I should also state down my new year resolutions so that I could refer to them next year and keep in track
whether I had managed to fulfill them.

1) Work in a well known Japanese restaurant after graduating from At-Sunrice Academy (by March)
2) Perfect my knife skills
3) Learn as much as possible from my work place (not confirmed)
4) Pick up Japanese language (basic would do)
5) Improve my drawing skills and have a sketchbook filled with food sketches 
6) Blog more engaging posts 

Alright, 6 should be more than enough! Anyway...

Snacking on Sakura Matcha Kit Kat bars right now?? Yes, waffles coated with a layer of sakura matcha
chocolate! Loved the unique flora taste of sakura although it was just the flavoring.

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