14 Jan 2014

Back to Johor Bahru (JB) - Reds Salon & KSL City Street Food

After my 1st trip to Johor Bahru City Square, I am back again with another friend (within the same week).
Awkwardness as a typical food blogger usually post pictures of food and not selfies! Since my friend's
priority was to colour his hair to cover up those greys, I decided to do mine too. There were like 5-6 hair
salons around and we randomly picked Reds Salon since my friend heard of that brand name before.
The salon seems to be rather packed and shorthanded that day and I spinned about on the chair while
waiting to be attended to. I regretted not taking a picture of myself while undergoing the dyeing process!
Not sure how fast it would take, but it was only like about 10 minutes or so before the hairstylist told me
that the colour had came out and would be ready to wash soon. I was like 'So fast'? 

Yay! My hair was done and tainted with light brown which was only more noticeable under direct light. I
had already began snapping away more selfie shots, only to capture a picture with my friend behind,
waiting for his hair to absorb the colour. O shit, I still got to wait after all as he still wanted a haircut after

Another shot which I used as my FB display picture LOL. My hair was towards the gold-light brown while
my friend went for the brownish-red. At least we both were different! 

With our newly colored hair, we paid 1.5 RM each and headed down to KSL city (shopping mall) to
shop! Not exactly to shop for clothes or stuffs but from a foodie mindset, I meant shopping for FOOD!
The mall was quite boring maybe because all my enthusiasm was focused on the pasar malam that was
located right beside KSL city. Thankfully by coincidence it was MONDAY that day and the pasar malam
only operates on Mondays!

I did not managed to capture much photos due to so much yummy food all around which posed quite a
distraction for someone hungry and it was drizzling too! I kept hoping that the drizzle would quickly stop so
that I could do my food shopping in peace. Thank God it stopped! Besides having cooked food, some
stalls also sell raw fishes, dried goods and fruits and vegetables, just like a normal marketplace. 

This was one yummy carrot cake stall which I bought my black carrot cake from. It was fried on the spot
and I waited only less than 10 minutes before having my packet of piping hot carrot cake.

Super fresh and undiluted sugar cane juice which was also available to quench our thirst! We bought a big
bottle to share and continued shopping after that. In the end, we had muah chee, a couple of different

kuehs, popiah, carrot cake, sugar cane drink, pancakes and roasted pork belly as snacks. After
purchasing a whole load of food, we went back into KSL, found a spot and stuffed ourselves bloated.
That was for the day and when could we come back again?    

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