16 May 2014

Pulau Pangkor Malaysia 090514 - 110514

Hi! Finally a breakthrough as I have decided to blog about my short get-away trip to Pulau Pangkor Malaysia (090514 - 110514)! More pictures of my camwhore instead of delicious food this time. I joined my friend and his mum on a 3 days 2 night packaged tour, with 17 other aunties and 2 uncles. Had to take a coach from Singapore and the travelling time was really really torturous since Pulau Pangkor is located close to Ipoh.

The sun was already quite scotching as we made our way to the jetty!

The view of the jetty to Pulau Pangkor! 

Another selfie with my friend! Basically we took turns taking selfies with my camera throughout the trip in order to entertain ourselves. My hair was freshly dyed only a couple of days before this trip! 

After placing our bags, we headed directly towards the deck to enjoy the view (not exactly) but to spam shots! My best shot out of the few that I took. Just for your information, the boat ride was about 40 mins. 

There were quite a few souvenir shops selling clothes and handicrafts. A few restaurants around the corner where you could satisfy your hunger pangs too.    

On the 2nd day, we took a small boat from the shores of Pasir Bogak beach to cruise around, looking at rocks, feeding fishes and enjoying the sea breeze!   

A selfie shot with life jacket on! Why I looked so sleepy??

We alighted along the coast to take the 1 and only group shot out of the entire trip. All so energetic and can't wait to go!

Another selfie before heading on to Lin Je Kong temple. By the way, besides the boat trip, there were other water activities such as band wagon, jetski, banana boat, snorkeling, swing, kayak which we did not go for. 

Captured this cute scene where this little doggy kept following its mum for milk! Really cute baby dog! I also captured another picture of 2 dogs f*ing each other (doggy style) in the middle of the street. Really funny but I refused to post it here.

We visited Eng Seng Pangkor Food Industry and Trading, which is the production place for the popular satay fish snacks!

Everyone going crazy grabbing either snacks or dried fishes.  

Next visit was the Foo Lin Kong temple!

The miniature great wall within the temple. (I am officially getting restless trying to describe the places. Gosh, food please!)

Last but not least, saw that building with only walls of staggering height? That would be the Dutch Fort. Nothing much of a fort left but still can take pictures.

I just loved the designs on the ground that I laid down to take pictures. It does reminds me of crop circle and I am fan of such stuffs.

Not to forget the cannon of the fort! Who sits on a cannon like this?
As for the tiger rock, I did not have the picture (just a rock with a logo cravings). 

By the way, I stayed both nights at Coral Bay Resort. They have a small swimming pool and sauna room which my friend and I camped in there for like 2 hours? I just love having detox in saunas!

Being #typical Singaporean, I ate like 4 sticks of Magnum ice cream throughout the entire trip. Not because I love ice cream but also partly due to the cheaper price too (By half!). Strolling my way to the beach while enjoying ice cream! (Just about 10 mins walk to reach from my hotel.)

Back for more pictures along Bogak beach! Really unfortunate for me as my previous slippers broke and I
had to get a new pair. Bought this new pair for RM 23 and I quite liked the red-black colour combination! 

=p shot

Acting like a American's next top model's contestant. 
Tyra Banks would say : You could have done a booty tooch right there.

One of the many jump shots!

Don't just stand there, pose something?

The panoramic shot of the rocky terrain. 

The panoramic shot from the extreme end of the beach.

These little crabs were the size of a 10 cent coins. The thought of capturing some of them to bring back to Singapore did cross my mind actually. Wouldn't it be nice to keep them as pets?

Finally the end of my short get-away post which I tried to summarize as much as possible. Luckily I did not post about the rest of my holiday trips or else my blog would end up becoming a travel blog. I still LOVE food MORE! 
Click here to view my post on 'A kelong kitchen in Batam'. 

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