18 Jan 2015

The Entertainer Launch Party 2015 at Lime House!

Last week I was invited to The Entertainer Launch Party 2015, located at Lime House! Lime House is Singapore's first Caribbean restaurant that serves really unique Caribbean dishes. I got to try 3 of the tapas and they were nicely marinated, mainly infused with a blend of herbs.

Just a selfie on my way to The Entertainer Launch Party 2015! The wind was so strong that my hair was so messy omg... Luckily it was evening and Lime House was towards the after-work-chill / romantic setting where the lights tend to be on the dimmer side.

(Photo from The Entertainer)
(Photo from The Entertainer)
We were served some alcoholic drinks that night. So sorry I still couldn't finish my drink despite adding plenty of ice... I am just not suitable for alcohol ...

While hanging around chilling with some tapas and having ice cream from Marble Slab Creamery, I got to know new blogger friends who had similar passion (in food) as me. Had a chat with my blogger friend Monice who was at the event too!

P/s: I actually took many pictures with them as well as with the mascot. Too bad the pictures did not turn out decent enough to be post here. =/ There is always a next time...

I myself am quite a fan of The Entertainer App already! The app already helped me save a fair bit of money since I often dine out. Before drafting this post, I have already used the app twice!! See how useful it is when you are out with a friend (me) with this app??
Check out my previous post on The Entertainer App as well as some of the links of F&B outlets that I have visited using the app here!

Not to forget, until the end of FEB, users of the PROMO CODE '2015ALVIN' can enjoy a further 10% discount on top of the early bird price, which is only $54!
Those who are unfamiliar on how to use The Entertainer App, here is a simple step by step tutorial!
#Theentertainer241 #Theentertainerapp #241 #Theentertainersg

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