25 Feb 2015

Shin Minori - Omg, I see swordfish sashimi!

The search for a good and affordable buffet became a constant tinkling in my mind and ultimately becoming part of my lifestyle for a few years already. It sounds so exaggerated but a non binge eater would not understand that. The need to force myself to quit this habit ever since I looked through my external hard drive and realized that I ate an average of 10 buffets per year, with the most hitting up to 14. As age keeps going upwards and cannot be reverse, I dared not continue this sort of food spamming. I admit that I usually ended up bloated with food that would take many hours to digest after a buffet session. Not to say buffets, I sometimes eat dinner twice in just less than an hour apart - a bowl of noodles + burger. WTH right...?
Enough of being a anti-buffet person for now since I am about to share a Japanese buffet experience.

I got to know about this outlet located at UE Square after scanning through my Entertainer App for 1 for 1 food deals. Check out some of the other deals using the app here! Not my best interior shot but I felt that the sushi bar is the essence of any Japanese restaurant.

It is an ala carte buffet where we ordered through the Ipad. Obviously the first thing I would usually look for would be the sashimi. My eyes literally lit up upon seeing the word 'swordfish'! How rare to have buffets serving swordfish sashimi nowadays. Even many hotel buffets remove swordfish from their buffet line. Could it be because of the price? The reason why I like swordfish is because their smell is really faint as compared to tuna, the texture is firmer and slightly chewier than salmon and taste wise would be harder to describe till you try it. Anyway, I easily wiped out 20+ slices of each (salmon and swordfish).

The ramen was just so-so to me but my friend really love it a lot. I guess it is just individual preferences. My other 2 favourite dishes that are not featured here due to ugly pictures were the unagi sushi and the pumpkin chawamushi. They were just amazingly delicious!

Besides the usual Japanese items like handrolls, sushi, sashimi, they also have grilled items! Too bad the pork belly we had was tough and dry, so we did not bother trying the rest unless it was stated that the grilled items were their specialty.

Need cups of tea to cleanse my tummy! Too busy with food that I did not take much pictures.

Last but not least, an awkward selfie after the buffet to end the post! No more buffets for me please! 

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