27 Mar 2016

SingaPlural Design 2016

I wasn't even aware that SingaPlural 2016, a design exhibition that was going on from 7 Mar - 13 Mar existed. It was just pure coincidence that I happened to be around Bugis that day, walked past that attractive looking poster and ended up spending more than an hour in exploratory mode. If I wasn't in a hurry, I guessed I would have spent my entire day there. It was a $10 entrance fee for the public while students and teachers could enter for free. 

Since I was alone, my ootd shots with some of the artworks/designs were taken by strangers. I would have taken much more shots if I were with my friends of course. I felt that art and design exhibitions definitely would be a good place to snap unique ootds pictures since no two works would be of similar concept. Everything was unique in their own ways, depending on the creator's level of inspiration.  

Since there were quite a lot of exhibits around, I guess they usually categorise them into similar categories or depending how large scale the works would be, thus assigning them a suitable space for showcase. That unique beehive looking table above was one of my favourites that day!

I wanted my ootd shot to be in that composition below but that little girl who took my picture ended up taking the picture above. Oh well, she just stood at the same position where I managed to ask her to take for me. This shows that different people have different perceptions of what would be artistic to them.

There were actually many other picture-friendly art/design area that would promote interactivity between the works and the public. Just that those more popular spaces were usually crammed with people trying to capture ootds as well. I was not the only one inspired to do that you see.

Works that attracts people to take with/of them usually involves certain elements such as craziness (cockroaches), cuteness (rocking tiger with music), simplicity (white shirts), artistic beauty (gradient walls), inspirational (mushroom lights) or maybe vintage/retro (some of the furniture).    

The visit to this exhibition flooded my brain with reminiscences of the time during my polytechnic days. The class studio, the mad rush for deadlines, consultations with lecturers, the strict critiques, the final year project exhibition that was similar to this and much more. Some of the artists and designers were present to explain their works for those who expressed their interest, whom might also be their potential bosses.
It was quite enjoyable and I would love to visit more of such exhibitions in future as well!

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