24 Apr 2016

Reframing Modernism Exhibition at National Gallery Singapore

Definitely not my first or last time visiting this monumental National Gallery Singapore (NGS in short). I had posted about National Gallery Singapore Art Carnival which was held at the Padang field opposite the gallery last year.
Reframing Modernism would be the gallery's first international collaboration with Centre Pompidou, Paris. As the name suggest, the exhibition invites us to reconsider the artists' approach in modern art and modernism.
There were a total of 3 galleries, all located on the third level of National Gallery Singapore.

Albert Marquet
Venice, The Yellow Sail
Oil on canvas

Emiria Sunassa
Pasar (Market)
Oil on canvas

Marc Chagall
The Cemetery
Oil and crayon on linen canvas

S Sudjojono
Seko Prambanan (The Guard, Prambanan)
Oil on canvas

I did spam many shots of the art pieces that I fancy, only to post a couple since my camera was not corporative in low-light conditions. Pictures do not exactly do justice to these artworks since the colour balance would definitely be off and fine details such as the brush stokes would not be visible from afar.
For beginners like me, I usually admire landscape paintings such as 'Venice, The Yellow Sail' which tempted me to go on a stress-free overseas holiday trip. A marketplace painting such as 'Pasar (Market)' is fairly common among Asian artists I guess since I often see paintings of local markets with vendors selling their stocks.
Besides those, I tend to admire morbid and mysterious paintings as well. The random placement of tombstones against the illusional sky as backdrop found in 'The Cemetery'. Loving the ruins of the building against dusk, shadows enveloping the foreground of the painting in 'Seko Prambanan (The Guard, Prambanan)'. Such a painting lies a dramatic story behind it.

Although some paintings were direct and straightforward, there would definitely be a huge number of those that would be deemed as beyond comprehension. The most intriguing thing about art is that you might fall in love with the art pieces even though you catch no balls (not understand anything) about the art.

In short, National Gallery Singapore is a building of stories, architecture of histories as well as works of beauty. A place for solace and appreciation, not including the noise pollution that I created from my excitement or opinions that I exchanged with my friend.

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