29 Mar 2017

Thailand (Bangkok) has its Artbox ; Taiwan (Kaohsiung) has its Pier-2 Art Center

Pier-2 Art Center

The highly popular Artbox from Bangkok is arriving in Singapore! People of all ages from non-shipping or trade and logestic wake of life would definitely want to experience being in a modified shipping container, purchasing food and shopping for goods. I bet those who deal with containers would cringe or faceplam at the thought of it.
It would definitely be Thai-rific since many stores are imported from Thailand (Bangkok) itself! (More details up in future post! Stay tune!)

Despite the fact that I have not had a chance to visit Bangkok's Artbox, I could probably relate it to Pier-2 Art Center when I visited Kaoh Siung (Taiwan) about a month back. Pier-2 Art Center was once an abandoned and forgotten warehouse, buried in history due to the move from an industrial based segment to the service sector. It was a group of artist that injected creativity and inspirations, invoking life into this place, turning it into a centre where people come together to enjoy fine arts.

As seen from the map below, Pier-2 Art Center is stretched across a couple of streets and it is one of the worthy place of attraction in Kaoh Siung. For craft enthusiasts, it would probably take from 3 to 5 hours or more, having to browse through every craft and handmade outlets, checking out the flea vendors that rotate on a weekly basics or even attending workshops such as leather craft.

Besides shopping for crafts or arty-farty liftstyle products, children and adults could visit the Hamasan Museum of Taiwan Railway and pay to have a joy ride around the area on a mini train system that run on tracks. Probably one of the best instagrammable spot in Kaohsiung would be the large open area of railway tracks (last image). Besides tourists, many locals were seen having a picnic, gathering with family or friends as well as walking and playing with their doggy pals. Many large scale bronze/brass sculptures were randomly scattered across the plains as well.

I wanted to head back another day to revisit this place since tugging along my heavy trolley luggage that day was hindering my shopping and admiring process. Due to time constraint, I did not have the chance for a revisit after checking in though.

Anyway, left with 1 more post of my Taiwan (Kaohsiung) trip!

Check out my previous post on Fennel Hot Spring Resort 茴香戀戀溫泉會館 here!

Pier-2 Art Center Map

Pier-2 Art Center flea market

Pier-2 Art Center flea market

Pier-2 Art Center flea market

Pier-2 Art Center flea market

Pier-2 Art Center

Pier-2 Art Center

Pier-2 Art Center

Pier-2 Art Center

Pier-2 Art Center

Pier-2 Art Center Railway

Opening Hour : Monday to Thursday 10:00-18:00
                          Friday to Sunday 10:00-20:00
Pier-2 Art Center - Webpage

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