11 Sept 2017

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM has started and I still could not believe myself being seated on the second row, smacked right in the middle of the Esplanade Concert Hall! I was one of the fortunate few to be invited by DBS as a SPARKS fan.

Just a short recap, SPARKS is a mini series of episodes by DBS that is inspired by true stories, featuring a group of young bankers as they navigate work and personal lives. They challenged the status quo and went beyond when solving unusual client challenges. (You may want to also check out my previous when DBS launches SPARK episode 6 at DBS Asia X). 

The 7th episode has been up and running and in this latest episode, Sparks saw an all Singapore cast including Jaime Teo, Daren Tan, Noorlinah Mohamed and of course Nathan Hartono whom was one of the singers, together with Benjamin Kheng, Tabitha Nauser, Inch Chua and Andrew Marko performing that night! 

Besides the obvious beautiful voices of these 5 talented individuals, they definitely synchronised well while performing as a group. The zest and tons of humour they incorporated into their performance kept the audience wild and hyper! The funniest segment of the performance was when Nathan Hartono and Andrew Marko had a duet, singing out lyrics formed using "bad day" scenerios shouted out by the audience. Hmm, I should have shouted out something challenging for them!

That night ended with me and my friend getting the opportunity to take photos with the 5 stars singers. It was a thrilling experience for me since I hardly get the chance to be star struck!
Thank you DBS for the invite!  

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

Pangdemonium’s Fundraiser Concert - THE JAM

6 Sept 2017

Authentic Peranakan Food at The Peranakan - Singapore

Peranakan cuisine is probably one of the lesser known cuisine in Singapore and The Peranakan, an under rated restaurant that resides along Orchard Road, not only introduces its food but along with its culture as well. From the beautifully furnished interiors to the decorative ornaments to utensils and dining wares, I got the chance to immense myself and experience the peranakan culture with a group of friends!

Since it was a group dinner, we had the privilege to try out many of the popular ala carte dishes as well as the Tok Panjang Feast (Min. 2 persons to share). Tok Panjang refers to a feast laid out along a long table, specially prepared for special guests.

I heaved a sign of relief as I scanned through the spammed amount of images I took. The lighting was dim as compared to lunch timing but that doesn't compromise my photos clarity! 

We started off with Bak Wan Kepiting, a light and clear broth of subtle sweetness, with crabmeat, pork and prawn balls that has a nice bite. Itik Tem on the other hand was much stronger in taste, saltier due to the salted vegetables, with tender steamed duck and sour plum. 

The Kueh Pai Tee was DIY your own fillings with stewed turnip, condiments or topped with a prawn in crisp Top Hats. Loving how the turnip wasn't at all soggy. Prawn Ngoh Hiang would definitely be a popular option with kids and adults alike with its crisp skin, diced water chestnut and meaty fillings of pork and prawns. The Nasi Ulam was perhaps one of those interesting dishes that has a acquired taste. A rice dish of raw herbs, vegetables, minced and salted fish which is difficult for me to describe.

Moment of revelation that my 3 favourite dishes that night were actually the meat dishes. Not that the vegetables did not fare well but personal preference for guys would usually be the meat.
Ayam Buah Keluak was a dish that took at least 3 days of soaking to wash off the poisonous volcanic ashes from the Buah Keluak nuts originated in Indonesia. The nut itself was bitter and tasted almost like dark chocolate of about 85% cocoa. The dish's gravy itself was rich in flavor that the tender chicken had partially absorbed, perfect with rice.
Satay Babi was not your usual satay with skewers. It was slices of pork belly with melt-in-your-mouth fats, coated with sweet and chunky peanut sauce. Another dish that has gravy perfect with rice!
Beef Rendang was an addiction for me. I couldn't help but to refrain myself from taking too much since the beef was surprising tender and the spices were well balanced. I liked how it was a 'dry' dish that has moisture within. I was lucky enough to have eaten the tendon as well!

Other dishes not mentioned were also fresh and delicious in their own ways, just that I have listed my individual preferences. The meal ended off with Chef’s Dessert Platter with my favourite dessert being the homemade pineapple tart that was not so sweet. Not forgetting the fluffy Pandan Chiffon Cake with Gula Melaka Drizzle that everyone loved!

Thank you Chef Raymond for hosting and explaining about the dishes and it was definitely great catching up with other blogger friends over a great Peranakan meal!

442 Orchard Road
Level 2 Claymore Connect
Singapore 238879

Bak Wan Kepiting
Bak Wan Kepiting (shown above) or Itik Tem

Kueh Pai Tee
Kueh Pai Tee

Prawn Ngoh Hiang
Prawn Ngoh Hiang

Nasi Ulam
Nasi Ulam

Ayam Buah Keluak
Ayam Buah Keluak

Chap Chye
Chap Chye

Ayam Goreng Ketumbar
Ayam Goreng Ketumbar

Satay Babi
Satay Babi

Ikan Goreng with Kichap Manis
Ikan Goreng with Kichap Manis

Beef Rendang
Beef Rendang

Sotong Masak Asam
Sotong Masak Asam

Terung Chinchalok
Terung Chinchalok

Chef’s Dessert Platter
Chef’s Dessert Platter

Pandan Chiffon Cake with Gula Melaka Drizzle
Pandan Chiffon Cake with Gula Melaka Drizzle