14 Oct 2017

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Definitely my bad for delaying this post for way too long that I almost did not notice its existence in my drafts column. I probably would spare a little time posting some of the lovely images that I took during my visit to Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館) from my Kaoh Siung 高雄 trip way way back.
Serious throwback issues here!

Do check out the other 2 posts which I had posted previously on the link here (Fennel Hot Spring Resort 茴香戀戀溫泉會館) and here (Pier-2 Art Center). 

Anyway, what I would like to share and highlight isn't about the delay of my post but about the museum. Prior to entering Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, I walked and explored the park that surrounded the museum. Many grassy hills and slopes perfect for a picnic or a ootd photo shoot.

Just take a peek at the beautiful architecture such as the high tilted ceilings, a couple of different galleries from each level while appreciating the curations. Just like any other galleries, the artworks were already refreshed, meaning that those from my pictures were long taken down and freshly curated ones were already hanging for public appreciation.

Galleries when I was there: Wan-Li's Era of Talent and Elegance, Snap Taking and Slow Taking: Social Spectrum in the Age of Staged Photography and others which I regret to record.

Do check out these quotes which I have recorded from the walls of one of the galleries.

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Tradition is the foundation and platform for modernity, and is a very important means of visual creativity that lends art greater sustenance

- Huang Kuang-nan

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Bird and flower paintings are all meant for expressing feelings through images; they must contain the artist's sentiments and personality within the scene, and must convey the artist's unique style

- Huang Kuang-nan 

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

When it comes to conveying concepts through pictures, I firmly believe the essence of painting lies in the synthesis of form and meaning.

- Huang Kuang-nan

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Through self-observation, the artist gives a direct response the changes that has swept people's social environment. This in turn gives his painting their frameworks, their colours and their charm of ink

- Huang Kuang-nan

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

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