18 Aug 2018

Rainforest World Music Festival 2018 in Kuching, Malaysia

It was purely a coincidence that the Rainforest World Music Festival held yearly at Kuching (Sarawak ; Malaysia) falls exactly on the week I was there for a short getaway. My friend snagged tickets for 2 few days before we arrived at Kuching.

A quick search on Google tells me that not only does this 3-days international music festival from 13 - 15 July involve just music performances but also a cultural enlightenment for most of us. Activities include wellness programs, hands-on workshops on how to play an indigenous instruments and more.

My friend and I arrived at our destination by free shuttle bus in the afternoon on Sunday (the last day of Rainforest World Music Festival 2018). Booklets were given out and time slots were allocated to different activities.  

Since it was held within the compound of Sarawak Cultural Village, I had a great and exciting time exploring the place, climbing up and down log-cut ladders which might look scary for the faint hearted. I took many photos as well, especially with nature and homes made from nature.

Be sure to wear comfortable clothings as it was quite scotching in the afternoon. Food and beverages were not allowed to be brought in but fear not since there were a couple of food tents with seatings available. Mosquito repellent is necessary for mozzi magnets like me since the Rainforest World Music Festival is held among forest area after all.

The musical performances started slightly before nightfall, stretching all the way to midnight. It was the first time in my life to enjoy a series of life musical concerts performed by international musicians, in the midst of a Borneo rainforest literally! Not forgetting the star lit sky as well! How thrilling could it get?

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