27 Oct 2017

"The Lotus Sutra - A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence" Exhibition (1 - 25 Oct 2017)

The Lotus Sutra

While most people would rather spend their public holiday (Diwali) indulging in fun and entertainment, I spend probably about 2 hours touring Lotus Sutra Exhibition that was held at The Arts House from 1 to 25 Oct 2017.

"The Lotus Sutra - A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence" Exhibition is jointly organised by The Institute of Oriental Philosophy (Japan), Dunhuang Academy (China) and Singapore Soka Association, with Singapore being 16th country to host this international exhibition.

Despite the fact that I am not a Buddhist nor a free-thinker, I felt that it was alright to explore and understand more about other religion. That would explain why I have decided to tag along with my friend whom was from the Singapore Soka Association for a short visit. Probably most of the Singapore Soka Association members would have made a trip down for a tour around before it ends.

Volunteers in vibrant purple polo T-shirts were dispatched along the streets, directing and greeting visitors with a smile despite standing under the scotching sun. Upon entering, the place was already crowded with families and people of the older generation. Even the screening time slots for both "The Treasures of the Desert" and "Parable of the Jewel in the Robe" videos were overwhelming. 

The entire exhibition has been divided into 5 categories respectively:

1) History of the Transmission of the Lotus Sutra
2) Buddhist Text in Many Languages
3) Academic Exchanges on the Lotus Sutra
4) Resplendence of the Dunhuang Mogao Caves
5) Parables and the Message of the Lotus Sutra

There were many interesting manuscripts, artifacts and religious paintings that captivated my attention but sadly photography was not allowed and I definitely have to respect that since it was a religious related exhibition after all.

In short, the Lotus Sutra, as a representation of the embodiment of the Law of Life that Shakyamuni was enlightened to. You would probably want to refer to their webpage here since I am a sucker for religious teachings.

The Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra
Volunteers teaching origami of lotus

The Lotus Sutra
Hand-made lotus art by volunteers

The Lotus Sutra
Entrance to Dunhuang Mogao Caves

The Lotus Sutra
Brochure and ticket of Lotus Sutra Exhibition

18 Oct 2017

On Sharks and Humanity Exhibition (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)

Probably no one would have thought that a private museum - The Parkview Museum would be residing in a hotel-like building of Parkview Square. Imagine the thrill of exploring a place not quite known to the public.

With the 4th exhibition stop in Singapore from 9 Mar 2016 to 26 Jun 2017 (currently in Hong Kong), 3 Singaporean artists were invited to take part in the exhibition that received positive response.
As the title of the exhibition had suggested, the contemporary art pieces ranges from paintings, sculptures, installations, photography and more that revolved around the importance of shark protection and "Say No to Shark Fin" campaign.

A path of sharks on the floor led the way into the entire gallery, which was in bluish hue from the lighting representing the sea. The concept seems pretty simple and straightforward yet these artists could showcase and project their creations through easily relatable artworks. Sharks were the subject while they being in distress and dominated by us humans were the essence.

Probably many have read about the debate regarding sharks fin soup should be taken off from Chinese wedding menus some time back. Many argued that sharks fin soup is compulsory as it has always been part of Chinese tradition while others supports the importance of maintaining the ecological balance of marine life.

Would you still like a bowl of sharks fin soup?    

The Parkview Museum Singapore will be open to public free of charge to encourage the integration and appreciation of art in everyday life. As this exhibition "On Sharks and Humanity" is dated back, there would always be other exhibitions showcased as well.  

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
300 x 200 cm
Oil on canvas and propylene

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
Downward Force on Upward Moving Objects
910 x 300 x 370 cm
Lacquer Paint, Stainless Steel, Plastic, Regular Steel

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
366 x 162 x 254 cm
Stainless Steel

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
Little Boy
513.8 x 163.8 x 60 cm
Stainless Steel

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
328 x 183 x 179 cm
Stainless Steel

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
Degree of Killing
200 x 260 cm
Oil on Canvas

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
Shark Shark
300 x 180 cm
Mineral oil colour painting on canvas

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)
180 x 140 x 16 cm
Mirror finishes stainless steel, Aluminium

On Sharks and Humanity (9 Mar 2016 - 26 Jun 2017)

14 Oct 2017

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Definitely my bad for delaying this post for way too long that I almost did not notice its existence in my drafts column. I probably would spare a little time posting some of the lovely images that I took during my visit to Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館) from my Kaoh Siung 高雄 trip way way back.
Serious throwback issues here!

Do check out the other 2 posts which I had posted previously on the link here (Fennel Hot Spring Resort 茴香戀戀溫泉會館) and here (Pier-2 Art Center). 

Anyway, what I would like to share and highlight isn't about the delay of my post but about the museum. Prior to entering Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, I walked and explored the park that surrounded the museum. Many grassy hills and slopes perfect for a picnic or a ootd photo shoot.

Just take a peek at the beautiful architecture such as the high tilted ceilings, a couple of different galleries from each level while appreciating the curations. Just like any other galleries, the artworks were already refreshed, meaning that those from my pictures were long taken down and freshly curated ones were already hanging for public appreciation.

Galleries when I was there: Wan-Li's Era of Talent and Elegance, Snap Taking and Slow Taking: Social Spectrum in the Age of Staged Photography and others which I regret to record.

Do check out these quotes which I have recorded from the walls of one of the galleries.

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Tradition is the foundation and platform for modernity, and is a very important means of visual creativity that lends art greater sustenance

- Huang Kuang-nan

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Bird and flower paintings are all meant for expressing feelings through images; they must contain the artist's sentiments and personality within the scene, and must convey the artist's unique style

- Huang Kuang-nan 

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

When it comes to conveying concepts through pictures, I firmly believe the essence of painting lies in the synthesis of form and meaning.

- Huang Kuang-nan

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Through self-observation, the artist gives a direct response the changes that has swept people's social environment. This in turn gives his painting their frameworks, their colours and their charm of ink

- Huang Kuang-nan

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (高雄市立美術館)

7 Oct 2017

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin


I arrived at D'skin that was located conveniently at Novena Square to experience for myself one of their newly launched Gamma Light Mist Treatment. This Gamma Light Mist Treatment is said to be an advanced form of treatment that could reduce inflammation and revive tired skin. 

Since it was my first time at D'skin, my treatment started off with the standard skin analysis with the aid of a machine that could analyse stuff such as the hydration level of my face, mainly forehead and both cheeks. 

After removing my shoes, I was led into the treatment room all ready to begin. I know it sounds strange but the sounds of Gamma Light Mist got me kind of excited.

My face was gently given a double cleansed before steam was used to open up my pores. As I have oily skin and often have battles with my deadly acne enemies, my whiteheads were plentiful. A yellowish gel-like mask was applied on my face which needed time to harden before peeling off. It definitely was satisfying to see so much of my whiteheads being wiped out as the mask was peeled from my face! For facial treatment like this, I do not edit my face. Do check out my unedited pictures below and you would understand what I meant. (This whiteheads removal process is not part of the Gamma Light Mist Treatment.)

Minor extraction was next and my facial therapist was gentle in case it was too painful for me to bear. I have high medium-high pain threshold anyway. A device was used on my face after my extraction and it was prickly. Most probably the effect of bacterial elimination from my face. Another device that emits purplish lights can could only be visible from the camera screen aids in the rejuvenation process.

Next comes the Gamma Light Mist Treatment which emits mist that could penetrate into the deepest layer of my skin to activate each cell's metabolic process. The mist emitted was cooling as though I was undergoing a face spa, coating my face with fine droplets and moisturising it in the process. It was probably about 10 minutes each time on the left, right and front of my face.

The treatment ended off with an oxygenated mask which was probably my first time hearing this term. The mask was clear, gel-like and had little lumpy stuff which I have no idea about. It was pretty easy to rinse off too.  

By the end of the treatment, besides the slight redness from the extraction process which was normal, I felt an improved resilience and my skin was indeed more hydrated too. The total length of the treatment was about 120 mins and suitable for all skin types.

Thank you Brandcellar and D'skin for the invite.

Su Beau Derma Clinik (Velocity@Novena Square) 238 Thomson Rd, #03-13/14/15 Velocity@Novena Square, S(307683)
Tel: 6252 5822 SMS: 9456 9533  

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin

Gamma Light Mist Treatment Review at D'skin